Today we do not only listen the music, we watch it. With little material, bands & artists put their video clips on YouTube : apart from the copyright issue, what an incredible communication platform!. Everybody wants to be there, as well as on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp ….
In order to embrace this communication channel and to deliver quality material, we propose different video clip packs, from the simplest one (band in situation), to the more complex one (dedicated scenario, outside shooting, fiction).
Our interest is not limited to video clips, we took courses at Raindance Film School Brussels (movie school); this gave us the basics needed for making more complex shoots, mainly short movies. To this end, we are associated with Working Projects, with whom we collaborated for the music (composing), voice dubbing and sound editing for their short film “Mind Asylum”. Several short films are in preparation, including “IF” which should be released in 2019.
Also, In 2019, the post production and the music of a short movie, after more than one year of shootings in one of the most beautiful caves in Europe (Santa Claus caves BE)
Working Project and Key Org Media work primarily with multi-disciplinary teams, most of its members attended media production & communication classes. We like to work with young talents in the making, and humbly help them to grow in their passion: it is also, as for music, one of our mottos: to gather and share.
Jérémy Tignée is managing the media activity. Criminologist, he is self-educated with regards to video shooting and editing, and passionate about the movies. He participated to several amateur shoots during his studies and made short films, the last one (Mind Asylum) was an incredible adventure in encounters, limited time of filming, long and difficult editing … the classics of a shooting with limited means. But the result is there. The idea of the partnership in the creation of video clips became obvious, taking advantage of his vision as a young director and scriptwriter.
We work mainly with Black Magic cameras, but it also depends on the material of the external team members; editing on Adobe Premier Pro, Da Vinci for calibration, via Macs.
We are equipped and also offer a 5.1 mix.